ftp sync sync error error no such file
ftp sync sync error error no such file

Ifanyoneisstillhavingtroublewiththis,itislikelyapermissionserrorontheserver.Trychangingthepermissionstowritable.,SoIbelieveyoueitherneedtouncheckthe“SynchronizeFolderContent”flagifjustsending1file,ormakesurethefolderexistsifsending ...,Whatisthep...

FTP sync issues - Symlinks handling - Help and Support


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Error: No such file · Issue #74 · lukasz-wronskivscode-ftp

If anyone is still having trouble with this, it is likely a permissions error on the server. Try changing the permissions to writable.

File Synchronization Error

So I believe you either need to uncheck the “Synchronize Folder Content” flag if just sending 1 file, or make sure the folder exists if sending ...

FTP No such file or directory - Help and Support

What is the problem you are having with rclone? rclone copy FTP to S3 resulting in No such file or directory message from FTP server.

FTP sync issues - Symlinks handling - Help and Support

... No such file or directory. This is not rclone error but your ftp server one. Symlink can point to not existing file or outside of FTP root.


FTP-Sync extension for VS Code. This extension allows you to easily synchronise your local workspace (project files) with an FTP server.

Intermittent No such file or directory and permission errors when ...

Could there be some kind of timing/sync issues between reading the files on the mounted FTP drive vs the script that is running locally (and how ...

Issue with FTP-Sync, using command ftp-sync

I tried to use the command ftp:sync-init and the following error appears: Command 'Ftp-sync: Init' resulted in an error (Cannot read property '0' of undefined ...

Local to remote Full sync error · Issue #20 · lukasz

Ftp-sync: sync error: Error: Could not delete maxwell/maxwell/package.json: No such file or directory. Steps to reproduce: Ftp-sync: Local to ...

pull: no such file - Support

That error means that the remote device it is requesting data from, doesn't have that data. What exactly did you do: Did you share an existing folder with the ...

“No such file or directory” error when opening file on mounted FTP ...

I suspect sync issues, as the mounted drive is from another server on our network. I can see that the file is there, can open it manually, can ...


Ifanyoneisstillhavingtroublewiththis,itislikelyapermissionserrorontheserver.Trychangingthepermissionstowritable.,SoIbelieveyoueitherneedtouncheckthe“SynchronizeFolderContent”flagifjustsending1file,ormakesurethefolderexistsifsending ...,Whatistheproblemyouarehavingwithrclone?rclonecopyFTPtoS3resultinginNosuchfileordirectorymessagefromFTPserver.,...Nosuchfileordirectory.Thisisnotrcloneerrorbutyo...

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox
